Thursday, May 20, 2010

Live in Awe

Set the stage and picture the scene.

The clouds that had been looming over the small boat had been growing over the past few hours. This one looked like it was going to be big. It started with a light drizzle. Then the sky let loose.

Along with the rain, came strong winds that swept into the enclosed lake and caused the waves to toss the boat back and forth across the water.

Those inside were horrified. They shivered as the rain saturated their clothes and they feared the boat would sink as they watched it slowly fill with the water that was being both tossed in from the lake and poured into from the sky.

The men inside were certain of their death.

As they panicked on the top, they realized that their leader was alseep below deck. His pillow nestled below his head. He was comfortable and resting after a days of teaching the seekers and healing the sick with more to come.

The men had seen him cast out demons. They had seen him bring life to legs that were once dead. They had seen him fill empty nets with thousands of fish. And yet they were still fearful. If only they believed.

They rushed below to ask him why he didn't care. "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?" As if they were already in the process of dying.

What was Jesus thinking as he got up? I know what I would've been thinking. "Seriously? You woke me up because of this stupid storm? Have you no faith, yet?"

Then he did it. "Peace! Be still!" No dying down. No time in between. The wind and waves stopped. They obeyed without question.

The disciples were dumbfounded. As they looked at the sun appear and the waves stop, Jesus asked them, "Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?" After all he had done in their short time with him, how could they not believe yet? He wasn't done. It would only become more powerful from here.

Then there was the question. Those who walked with Jesus day in and day out. Those who witnessed firsthand hundreds of miralces couldn't believe what they saw.

"Who is this that even the winds and waves obey Him?"

What a powerful question. They didn't realize who Jesus was yet. Despite what they had seen and heard. They didn't know. Jesus had just displayed his power and they didn't know where it came from.

The Creator commanded His creation.

I love that story. I love that story because Jesus showed such awesome power that it left those who knew Him best awestruck and dumbfounded. Confused and amazed. Scratching their heads and falling to their knees.

"Who is this that even the winds and waves obey Him?" Translated: "What have we gotten ourselves into? This guy is amazing. Did you see what He just did? Where did He come from?"

They knew Him. They had witnessed amazing things, but yet, they still lacked faith.

There is a vast canyon between knowing someone and believing in someone.

This is The Guy who commands the winds and waves. He is worthy of our praise and demands our awe and wonder. Live in awe. Choose to do that now, because, eventually, you won't have a choice about it.

Monday, May 10, 2010

It's a Family Affair...

I seem to take occasional hiatuses from blogging, but tonight, the girls are in bed and it's still early. And by girls, I mean all 3. And by early, I mean 9:15. I on the couch watching Apocolypto by Mel Gibson and thinking about a passage of Scripture that I read last night.

Mark 3:31-35

Brief summary: Jesus is chillin' and his mom and brothers come and ask for him. When he's told that they are waiting for him, he says, "Who are my mother and brothers? Here are my mother and brothers! Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."

I've always had a tough time with this passage. I do understand that Jesus is emphasizing the importance of our brothers and sisters in Him. No arguments there. However, it seems like He's tossing aside his mom and brothers. That I don't get.

Hannah suggested that we don't know what had gone on in their personal lives. Had any of them not believed in Him? Had any of them turned their backs on God? We'd like to think, "no," but we can't deny that it's a possibility, right? It was in His hometown that Jesus said a prophet is without honor because no one believed.

Is Jesus implying that our earthly family holds little importance when compared to our Christian family?

I don't have the answer for what Jesus intended about His biological family. I wish I did. Here's where it'll get fun, though. Do you have the answer?

Now...back to the last few minutes of Apocolypto.