Tuesday, January 26, 2010

From the Mouths of Babes

My two year old has it down. She gets it. Why, then is it so hard for me?

Every night we read stories before bed. Most of the time it's a few Bible stories from one of her "Baby" Bibles and then another little night time book. Currently, the night time book is "Good Night Little Lamb."

Tonight was not unlike any other night. Before bed, we go potty. We brush teeth. We get paci. We pray.

It was my turn tonight. I climbed up into bed with Abby reached across her to grab the two books that were on her bedside table. 1. "Good Night Little Lamb" 2. "Baby" Bible. I figured that we'd read "Good Night Little Lamb" first and finish up with the Bible stories. Abby had other ideas.

As I pulled "Good Night Little Lamb" out first, I was abruptly stopped by a little voice saying, "No! Jesus first!"

That was it. "Jesus first!" She gets it. She gets what Jesus told us in Matthew 6: "Seek FIRST His Kingdom..." Jesus first.

Now, I know that it was simply her preference order tonight. Tomorrow may be different. But that little moment spoke to me. My two year old reminded me tonight how important it is to make sure Jesus is first. Before I crack open that Vince Flynn novel to put myself to sleep, I had better crack open The Word. Before I pop in and episode of "The Office," I had better pop into Jesus' words. I need to do a better job of make sure Jesus is first.

Why does it become so easy to make Jesus second or third. Why does it become so hard to consistently make Him first?

I pray that I can find that answer. I pray that I can respond the way God has called me to.

If my two year old can get it down, then, surely I can get it. Right?


  1. It is so easy to put Jesus second or third or twenty thrid, because we are selfish. That is all it comes down to. He was completly selfless and gave up everything for us and we find it hard to give Him the smallest part of our lives, much less all of ourselves.

    Thanks for this post! We all need to be reminded of this sad truth.

  2. Abby is one smart little girl!!! Just precious how our kids can remind of us such things and sometimes be the ones to put us in our place.

  3. It's amazing who we can learn from. Thank God for kids.
